1 1/2 pounds of meat, and none of that reduced fat foolishness that was all over Giant's shelves yesterday (I used Lamb and Bison)
2 Cloves minced garlic
Basil, oregano, cilantro.
1 can diced tomatoes or tomato sauce/ pizza sauce (abt. 2 cups.)
Soft cheese either white or yellow, preferably from a good source.
Toppings: anything you want.
Preheat oven to 450 w/ cast iron (or pan, whatever) inside. Mix meat with garlic and herbs (I picked these fresh from outside, amazing) and make sure it mixes well together. Place meat in a thin ~ 1/2 inch thick sheet on bottom of your pan, create a small 'lip' to hold in sauce with meat like the crust on a regular pizza. Put this in the oven at 450 for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, get your toppings ready. Last night, we had caramelized onions, sliced tomato, asparagus and spinach. After 10 minutes take out pan and drain off most of the grease. Add on your toppings starting with the tomato sauce first, then cheese, and finally the veggies. Put back in the oven and cook for 20-30 minutes until veggies are roasted and cheese is melted. Take out, serve, enjoy.
Note: Last night we used diced tomatoes on the pizza, then filled the rest of the cast iron with another two cups of tomato sauce and cooked the asparagus in that. After we pulled it out we drained the asparagus tomato sauce mixture off and served it as a light soup.