Monday, May 10, 2010

Almond Crusted Salmon with Asparagus

I remain on a quest to compile a ton of easy, primal-ish recipes that are healthy, and delicious. Also, being able to make the whole thing in a cast iron is a plus. That said, today's foray was a perfect example of a successful execution of this culinary philosophy.

Makes 2 servings:

1 Wild Salmon filet (substitute other wild caught fish if ya want, never buy farm raised though)
8 Asparagus spears (green or white)
1 tblspoon brown sugar
1 tblspoon honey
1 tblspoon brown mustard
Handful of crushed almonds

Preheat oven to 375. If you want your asparagus softer, plop them into the microwave on high for 30-60 seconds. Mix brown sugar, honey, brown mustard, and crushed almonds together. Put filets and asparagus in a cast iron skillet and coat with mixture. Put into preheated oven and cook for 20-25 minutes depending on how done you want it. Take out, and enjoy.

Alternate sauce:
1 tblspoon brown sugar
1 tblespoon olive oil
1 tblespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tblespoon mustard

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